Blurb: Determination. Not a word we hear very often in today’s society. In this sermon we talk about why it is so important to be determined in our walk with the LORD, and what Paul had to say about this character trait of Determination in Philippians 3. 

Scripture: Philippians 3:10-15, Ephesians 4:23,

Notes: Determination is yours to own and become if you want to. You have to be determined to know more about God and determination is one of the ways we increase our understanding and our knowledge of God, Who He is and the purpose He has for us. Determination is the unwavering firmness of belief as we hold firm to our convictions that God is Who He says He is, and His Word is living and active. A person of spiritual maturity is someone who is not dithering around, they are determined, and firm. Determination will give us the ability to develop and hold on to these convictions. This means that as we grow, and our mindset changes, and we realise that we need to change things and change our thought patterns, this is a constant movement to become more like Christ. We are “straining forward” for what lies ahead. Being determined will keep us on this path of purpose. Life actually becomes very easy, because you know what you are doing, there’s no wondering, no trying to be what we aren’t supposed to be and wasting time and energy. We get God’s purpose for our lives in our minds, we get determined and we get going. 

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Blurb: Today we look at some areas of our lives where it is important to examine what’s going on, and to be determined to make the changes that we need to become more like Jesus. 

Scriptures: Philippians 3: 1 John 1: 8-9, Psalm 32:5, Romans 2:5-10

Notes: Determine to deeply and intimately know the Christ. Determine to know the power that is flowing out from His Resurrection on a personal level. Develop a forward momentum attitude, not giving in to disagreements, or obstacles. Determine to leave the past behind, and be of an unwavering mind. All the mistakes, the errors, the bad decisions, the lot, leave them all behind, and determine to move into what God has for us. As we reach God will respond. This is why our habits are so important. If you can tolerate it, you can change it. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you examine your habits and what you need to change. Same with sin in our lives, the road to recovery is repentance. None of our sins shock God but we need to determine that, that which is preventing us from living out our determined purpose. Confess and deal with it. Determine to never try and cover up sin. Our confession releases God’s mercy towards us. Determine to drive disobedience and rebellion out of your life.

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Blurb: In this podcast we talk about some more of the practical “do it wisdom” ways that we can apply determination to in our lives. Ps. Joe uses scripture to show us how and why we should stay determined in our walk with God. 

Scriptures: Philippians 3:10-16, Isaiah 1:18-20, Proverbs 1:20-33, Genesis 18:17-19, Proverbs 22:24-25, Proverbs 26:21, 1 Corinthians 15:33-34, 119:63, James 1:25, 1 John 2:3-6, Proverbs 3:13-15, Proverbs 4:5-9, James 1:22, 2 Timothy 2:15-16

Notes: Being determined is to be of an unwavering mind. We must get all disobedience and rebellion out of our lives. There is no room for it in the life of a person who is determined to live a purposeful life, full of the wisdom and power of GOD. To live according to God’s ways is to have a guarantee of a peaceful, prosperous, and promise-fulfilled life. What God brought to pass in Abraham’s life was because Abraham’s determination to keep God’s laws for his life and his family’s life. If we don’t keep God’s laws for our lives, are we cancelling our future? 

We need to separate ourselves from quarrelsome, angry people. 

People with either add, subtract, divide, or multiply in your life. Don’t maintain relationships with people who seek to subtract from you and to divide you. When wrong people leave your life, wrong things will also get out of your life. You have to make room for the good to come into your life. 

We also need to be a person who determines that the WORD of God is the first consulted, and the final authority of your own life. God’s WORD is spirit and life, it creates faith, it is healing, and we need to wash ourselves with the WORD and remove the grime of the world. We need to renew our minds with the WORD and then we obey what we have read. 

We determine to get all rebellion and disobedience out of our lives.

We determine to withdraw from contentious and quarrelsome people.

We read the physical scriptures, we study and obey what they have to say. 

We determine that the WORD of God is the final and ultimate authority in our lives.

Determination P4

Blurb: We must determine to pursue progress and change. To allow ourselves time to grow and change. Determining that these things are on your to do list for life is of great importance. Today we discuss another aspect of being determined – taking risks. 

Scriptures: Philippians 3:10, 2 Timothy 2:24-25 Psalm 34:19 Psalm 145:14, Proverbs 24:16, Hebrews 6:10-15, Romans 6:5-6, Ephesians 4:23, Isaiah 28:10 & 13, Ephesians 4 & 5 Philippians 3:4-8,

Notes: Be of unwavering mind, be of firm purpose or belief, and determine to make God’s WORD the final authority in your life. 

We must determine to pursue progress and change. We must allow ourselves times to grow and learn. Being patient, everyone falls at some point, but champions are people who get back up again. If we suffer from impatience, we are going to suffer more from the consequences of impatience. Yes, we must progress and change, but we must also allow for the time it takes for that to happen. Remember the principles of seed plant harvest, first you have to have the seed, and it makes a lot of progress under the ground that you can’t even see before you see a plant above the ground. Don’t lose a miracle in your future because of impatience. As we grow and progress in our relationship with God, so our knowledge of God’s principles and how He operates will also grow. We must make sure that the change and growth we undertake is in line with the WORD of God. Determine to eliminate risk, and replace with solid knowledge that is based on the WORD of God and the revelation that comes from the time spent in the WORD which will show you how to act. 

Determination P5


Option 1: In this last episode of our series on Determination, Ps Joe expounds on the practicality of being determined. God wants us to walk in His favour and under His protection, will you determine to do what it takes to live that way? 

Option 2: Are you feeding your faith? Do you have a prayer appointment with God everyday? If you’re wondering what those things even are, then this podcast is for you. Determine to grow your knowledge of God and how to walk with Him.  

Scriptures: Exodus 12:36, Psalm 5:12, Proverbs 2:6-8, Psalm 84:11, 2 Cor 6:14-18, Acts 3:1, 1 Thessalonians, 5:16, James 5: 13-15, Romans 10:17, Hebrews 4:1-2, Hebrews 10:23, Hebrews 11:6, 1 Corinthians 1:30, Deuteronomy 4:5, Malachi 3:10, Proverbs 3:9-10, Mark 10:29-30, 2 Corinthians 9:6 onwards, Proverbs 1:5, Hebrews 12:6

Notes: God has given us His own favour, and it encompasses us around like a shield. So we don’t want to live any sort of lifestyle that attacks that favour and that shield that is provided to us. Where does this shield come from? It comes from us living uprightly and with integrity. (Integrity being the doing of that which you have said) If you are finding the favour of the LORD lacking in your life then look for areas where your integrity has slipped. We also need to make sure that we are not joined to people who God will not extend His favour to because of the way they are living. Determine to be a person of prayer and a person specific prayer appointments. Develop praying as a constant habit that continues throughout your day. Set aside time, a specific appointed times, to sit with the LORD, go through your day, and listen for His answers. 

Constantly soak yourself in the WORD of God. We must determine to feed our faith everyday on the WORD of God, studying the promises and covenant of faith. What food are you feeding your faith? Paul said that “my determined purpose is” well then we need to have the faith to believe the purpose God has for us and that is only going to come when we talk with Him, and grow our faith by feeding ourselves more of the knowledge God has placed in His WORD for us to us to devour. We need to actively pursue to wisdom of God. How do we practically do this? Wisdom is simply doing and saying what God would say and do in any particular situation. We are only going to know what this is when we spend time with God. 

Determine to tithe and give offerings with earnest expectation of harvest. God wants to be involved financially in our world. 

Observe those who have successful lives. Be willing to have a mentor who will expose your errors and mistakes and is willing to help you eliminate those mistakes from your life. Determine to develop the spirit of a finisher. Jesus hung on the cross and declared that it was finished. Never ever give up. Your dreams and goals are worth the effort.